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The Management Organization

ECOMORE brings together partners from France and 4 countries from the SEA region.

The project is being coordinated by the Institute Pasteur while the international partner institutions are responsible for implementing the country-specific components.

The Project governance and management is organized as follows:

        •        The International Coordinating Team;

        •        The local coordination teams in each of the participating countries;

        •        The Steering Committee;

        •        The Knowledge Translation Platform meetings;

        •        The National Stakeholders meetings;

        •        A pool of technical experts made available upon request or as needed

The International Coordinating Team is dedicated to ensure the coordination of all the transversal activities. It is composed as follows:

Based in the Institut Pasteur, the other members of the International Coordinating Team are:

The General Secretary of the Institut Pasteur International Network responsible to supervise the Project Coordinator activities and to chair the Steering Committee;

The Project Manager and Project Assistant are dedicated to assist the Project Coordinator in the day-to-day management of the Project, address administrative, financial, legal and communication aspects of the Project, be the dedicated contact person liaising with the AFD headquarters in Paris as well as support departments at the Institut Pasteur.

The Project Coordinator: Strategically hosted in Cambodia, the Project Coordinator is close to the Partners, the 3 other participating countries, and the local AFD agencies. The Project Coordinator ensures the technical overview of the Project, oversees the proper and effective implementation of the “country-specific” components of the project, coordinates the transversal activities, especially the project promotion within the region and beyond, and assists the partners in project implementation.

The Financial Officer is dedicated to validate and consolidate the financial reporting, receive the AFD financial contribution and organise its distribution within the Consortium. They are also the dedicated contact person liaising with the audit company.

The Steering Committee is the highest level of decision-making within the Project. This committee represents the interests of the whole Consortium. The Committee meets in person or by video / teleconference as often as necessary, and at least once a year in order to: i) review the Project status and technical reporting, and ii) discuss and validate the proposals, recommendations and guidelines released by the Project Partners and advisors.

Additional guidance on strategic aspects of the ECOMORE Project as well as on specific issues will be provided by invited international advisers. Their role is to monitor the progress and difficulties met by the consortium throughout the project, keep the Consortium members aware of opportunities related to the project, support strong proposals, and transmit any information relevant to the Project.

International advisers involved in the Steering Committee in 2013

Knowledge Translation Platform meetings will be periodically organized by the Project Coordinator to share experience within the Consortium and to promote the global Project outcomes at the regional scale. Some international / regional leading experts and main stakeholders related to areas of interest for the Project (such as those representative of the national concerned ministries, NGO, WHO, AFD, etc.) will be invited to join these meetings.

A national stakeholders committee, (namely the National Stakeholders Meeting) will be dedicated to promote networking with national authorities, facilitate the translation of the specific results of “country-specific” components into public health recommendations and guidelines and to foster the dissemination of the main outcomes at national scale.

According to the needs and requirements met by « country-specific » components, a pool of technical experts will be constituted and solicited in order to guide Partners in fulfilling their objectives.