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Institut Pasteur International Network


The Institut Pasteur and especially the Division International coordinates the International Network of the Pasteur institutes:

                                        32 institutes in 25 countries spread over 5 continents

The institutes belonging to the network, including the Institut Pasteur in Paris, are extremely involved in public health in the countries in which they are located and work in agreement with the local health authorities including: medical biology, vaccinations, microbiological monitoring, etc. The majority are recognised as reference centres on a national level or within the framework of the WHO. 

Education is another major mission of the institutes in the network which provide training for numerous trainees from the countries concerned and from abroad. The research carried out in the field and in the laboratory concerns infectious diseases (influenza, AIDS, arbovirus diseases, malaria, plague, etc.) affecting the host country. Through this network, the development of numerous diseases throughout the world is meticulously monitored by the Pasteur community.